Activitats, Nenes i nens 2nd Grade: Mixed-up chameleon word order (When the chameleon is…) By Coordinació digital Dilluns 2017-02-20 Dilluns 2017-02-20 2nd grade, English Hello! Here are some “word order” activities to practice the beginning of “The mixed-up chameleon” by Eric Carle. Enjoy it! When the chameleon is… 01 When the chameleon is… 02 When the chameleon is… 03 When the chameleon is… 04 When the chameleon is… 05 When the chameleon is… 06 When the chameleon is… 07 Guardar 2n Dansa ara 4th Grade: Your nose and mouth Deixa un comentari Cancel·la les respostesHeu d'iniciar la sessió per escriure un comentari.