3rd Grade: The Gruffalo’s child video quiz 01
Hi! We are learning through the book “The Gruffalo’s Child”. Here is a video quiz to practice some comprehendsion. Enjoy it! Videoquiz
Tallers i activitats que es realitzen a l’escola
Hi! We are learning through the book “The Gruffalo’s Child”. Here is a video quiz to practice some comprehendsion. Enjoy it! Videoquiz
Hi! Here are some activities about your brain to practice the vocabulary and some sentence building. Matching vocabulary Wordsearch Word order 1 Word …
Hi! We are working through the book “The mixed-up chameleon”. Here is the video of this story and some photos building sentences. https://youtu.be/wEqoJMNU2eo …
Hola! Us deixem algunes fotos de la setmana de carnaval. Ha estat una setmana molt esbojarrada!! Cliqueu per accedir a les fotos